The Rise of Legendary MPU is a game developed by Team 1 of the Merdeka Campus Microcredential Game Developer Batch 2 program.This game is set in a village in one of the archipelago kingdoms, players will play the life of a child from a keris craftsman who is quite famous in his area and his mother is a market trader. When he was 5 years old, his father gave him a small dagger as a birthday present. He also received an old book containing the procedure for making a keris and its origins. And it was then that he fell in love with this traditional weapon and got the motivation to be like his father, namely to become the best keris maker in the entire archipelago.By completing several activities, players can improve two kinds of abilities, namely the ability to make keris, and the personality abilities of the characters played by the players. So, players can build the abilities of their characters at will. But throughout his life the child of a keris craftsman will face many obstacles.Will you be able to make his dream come true? Play The Rise of Legendary Mpu now!